Sheriff’s office sponsors annual kid fish event
The annual Wood County Kid Fish is Saturday, June 1 at 8 a.m. at the Sabine River Authority headquarters, 353 Private Road 5183, just northeast of the Lake Fork Dam.
It is sponsored by the Wood County Sheriff’s Dept. and Texas Parks and Wildlife along with the SRA.
The tournament is free to participants, who must be 16 or younger, and includes a meal. Children younger than seven must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
All fish must be caught on a pole or rod-and-reel and brought to the weigh-in station by noon. Contestants should furnish their own equipment, but cit an be provided.
Prizes will be awarded for largest fish in each category and age group.
The tournament is catch-and-release, so cameras are encouraged.
Contact the game wardens or sheriff’s office for more information, 903-763-2201.