Mineola Caring & Sharing enters busiest season
The 2024 Mineola Caring & Sharing Food Distribution Project has been in full swing for several months and now it is time to pull all the many efforts together and prepare for Distribution Day on …
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Mineola Caring & Sharing enters busiest season
The 2024 Mineola Caring & Sharing Food Distribution Project has been in full swing for several months and now it is time to pull all the many efforts together and prepare for Distribution Day on Saturday, Dec. 14 at the First Methodist Church Ministries Center (MCMC), 612 Newsom St.
To volunteer in this worthwhile project, here are the dates and times where help is needed. Meet at the MCMC to participate. Pastry and coffee provided. No RSVP required and it’s more fun to bring friends.
Monday, Dec. 9 through Friday, Dec. 13, 8 a.m.-noon
Dec. 9, Sort school food boxes/Unload King’s Storehouse food truck/Set up tables & boxes, *Rice/beans at Trinidad-Benham.
Dec. 10, Begin boxing food delivered Monday, *Sweet potatoes pickup/sort
**Dec. 11 Finish boxing school/King’s Storehouse food
Dec. 12, Unload Brookshire’s food/sort food/box food, *ET Food Bank pallets
**Dec. 13, Finalize boxing food
Dec. 14, 6:30-7 a.m., *Pickup frozen foods- Brookshire’s/Wal Mart;
7:30 a.m.-noon, Distribution Day
There will be an all volunteer appreciation pizza luncheon. So plan to stick around or come back to the Ministries Center around noon for lunch.
* Teams already assigned for pick-up of items to be brought to MCMC
** If necessary