168 results total, viewing 81 - 100

Main Street awards grants

Three downtown Mineola businesses have made improvements through grants from the Main Street program. more

Tips for Tots aids county’s foster children

Tips for Tots was a resounding success Monday night. The well-marketed event, which was in its 9th year, was held at the Winnsboro Civic Center. Tips for Tots is put on by the Wood County Child … more

Capsule treasures to be unveiled in 50 years

Items to be unveiled in 2073 for the bicentennial of the city of Mineola were formally dedicated in a time capsule held in the cornerstone of the Mineola Historical Museum Monday. City leaders … more

Mineola Caring & Sharing volunteers meet Sept. 9

Mineola Caring & Sharing has started planning for the 2024 Christmas season. The first volunteer meeting of the year is set for Monday, Sept. 9 at 6 p.m. at New Hope Baptist Church. … more

Sporting challenge teams with Heroes Ranch

“There are many ways to be a patriot,” stated Cody Roberson, director of the Patriot Sporting Challenge. “You can be just as much a patriot as veterans themselves, by getting … more

Challenge donates to Heroes Ranch

On Aug.19, the Patriot Sporting Challenge presented Heroes Ranch with a $95,000 check, along with additional contributions bringing the total to $100,000. The ongoing partnership between the Patriot … more

Couple married 74 years

Jay and May Ingram of Mineola celebrate their 74th wedding anniversary Sept. 2. They were married in Houston County on Sept. 2, 1950 at the age of 16. They have three daughters, Debbie Spivey of Fort … more

Area offers numerous resources to assist veterans

Did you know that there are, according to Steve Lucas, the Veteran Service Officer for Wood County, over 6,000 veterans in Wood County? Below are a few local resources to support these men and women … more

Race time

Mineola Rotary Club hosted Hot Wheels races at the Mineola Iron Horse Square mini-train run on Saturday. more

Many organizations taking on food challenges

There are lots of resources to assist Wood County residents with food-related needs. From meals delivered to the elderly, to statewide programs aimed at helping low-income residents with grocery … more

Center offers more pickle ball courts

Mineola Civic Center directors dedicated the center’s new pickle ball courts last Friday. more

Medical resources available to county citizens facing challenges

This is the first in a series concerning resources available to Wood County residents. While several variations of summer bugs are going around, citizens of Wood County and beyond are looking … more

Quitman church, club hosting blood drive

The next blood drive sponsored by the Quitman Rotary Club will take place Tuesday, Aug. 13 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Quitman First United Methodist Church, 406 Lane St. Carter BloodCare will … more

Historic Kirk home named August yard of the month

There are some structures that demand attention, with their architectural dignity and quiet elegance. Such a house is 311 E. Kilpatrick in Mineola, formerly a bed and breakfast, now a stately … more

Sportsman’s group celebrating 25 years

A familiar site on Lake Fork during bass tournaments is the live-release-boat (LRB) provided by Lake Fork Sportsman’s Association (LFSA). The survival rate of fish brought to LFSA’s LRB … more

MISD teacher publishes first book, real-world Bible study for children

“It started out with me and my kids. I wanted them to have a Bible study that we could do together, that we could enjoy.” Alicia Stewart, a teacher of 7th grade English at Mineola … more

Rotarians ready Hot Wheels event

Mineola Rotarians gathered Sunday afternoon at Greg Hollen’s house and built a pair of Hot Wheels tracks for this coming Saturday’s 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Hot Wheels Run at Mineola’s … more

Getting ready for school

Mineola Kiwanis Club distributed free school supplies Saturday morning at the Mineola Civic Center pavilion to Mineola and Alba-Golden students from pre-kindergarten to fifth grade, as well as … more

Quitman ex earns honor

Jasmine Russell, left, a 2008 graduate of Quitman High School, was recently honored by the Safety Committee with certificates of Safety Awareness Idea Submission for the Texas Health and Human … more

Church expanding

Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church, east of Mineola, held a groundbreaking ceremony Sunday for its new multi-purpose building which will be constructed on the west side of the church. The church celebrated … more
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