168 results total, viewing 61 - 80
Marker, concert pay tribute to area musical pioneers
The East Texas Serenaders will be celebrated with two events in Mineola next week.
An historical marker will be dedicated in downtown Mineola Monday at 5 p.m.
Their music will be featured …
10/17/24 07:29 AM
Race winners named for annual fun run at nature preserve
The following were top finishers in the annual Dance Dimensions Iron Horse Rhythm Run Sept. 28 at the Mineola Nature Preserve:
Kids Run (1/2 K)
3-7 years
1 Addy Oliver
2 Tinslee …
10/10/24 08:28 AM
Couple works to restore and improve home
Scott and Nancy McDonald laugh as she tells about the first fruit their apple tree produced. After several years of waiting patiently, a small green knob finally appeared and they watched it …
10/3/24 08:43 AM
Quitman chamber welcomes director
“Just call me Jen,” said Jen Kucinsky as she spelled her last name when she introduced herself as the new director of the Quitman Chamber of Commerce.
Kucinsky recently became the …
10/3/24 08:40 AM
Kiwanis Club honors citizen
Reta Myers was recognized as the Mineola Kiwanis Club’s September Citizen of the Month for her friendly service to customers at Mineola Dairy Queen. Members surprised Reta at work to give her …
10/3/24 08:36 AM
New Kiwanis officers installed
Division 34 Lt. Governor Matt Pool installed the 2024-25 Mineola Kiwanis officers and directors last week. From left are Past President Brian Jones, Directors Fernando Arreola, Richard Elston and Roy …
10/3/24 08:35 AM
Artist Alley makes downtown installation official
After months of community effort, planning, and hard work, Flint and Steel/Wood County Walls cut the ribbon for Artist Alley in Mineola on Saturday.
Artist Alley runs between pacific and Line on …
By Brynna Williamson | 10/3/24 08:33 AM | 10/3/24 08:33 AM
Mineola's rail heritage celebrated
Crowds gathered Saturday in downtown Mineola for the annual Iron Horse Heritage Festival put on by the Mineola Chamber of Commerce.
Food and craft venders and civic groups were among the …
10/3/24 08:32 AM
Writers Guild joins MLOTA programs
The Mineola League of the Arts has just introduced a new opportunity for the community: the Writer’s Guild.
Residents of Mineola will probably be aware of the several writer’s groups …
By Brynna Williamson | 9/26/24 08:36 AM | 9/26/24 08:36 AM
Wide variety of resources can assist county residents
his is part of a continuing series on helpful resources available to county residents. Below are some of the other resources available.
The Greater East Texas Community Action
By Brynna Williamson | 9/26/24 08:35 AM | 9/26/24 08:35 AM
Health fair shares info on resources
Much work went into the Wood County Health Fair, which was held at the Jim Hogg City Park/Quitman Civic Center Saturday.
The Health Fair was a project put on by UT Health Quitman, the Quitman …
By Brynna Williamson | 9/26/24 08:29 AM | 9/26/24 08:29 AM
5th year volunteer day set
The fifth annual APET-SPCA Volunteer Day Honoring Jeff Gannon will be held Tuesday, Oct. 8 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Oct. 8 marks the 5th-year Honor-versary when friends and family gather to remember …
9/26/24 08:29 AM
Wood County veterans services officer has a heart to serve military brethren
Steve Lucas is a man with a big heart, lots of experience and a severe lack of time.
That is, until the 7th of this month, when it was announced that the part-time Wood County Veterans Services …
By Brynna Williamson | 9/26/24 08:25 AM | 9/26/24 08:25 AM
Celebrating the Constitution
Members of the Elizabeth Denton English Chapter Constitution Week Committee delivered Constitution booklets and posters to the Quitman Library. Deliveries were also made to the Mineola, Lindale and …
9/19/24 09:54 AM
Church celebrating 164 years
Though the Ebenezer Baptist Church has been a lighthouse to the Quitman community for over 163 years, it will celebrate its first homecoming on Saturday, Sept. 21 to celebrate its 164th anniversary.
9/19/24 09:54 AM
School, Coalition host program about bullying
Mineola Middle School and the Flint & Steel Coalition will host Romereo Brown, the CEO of Tyler clothing brand and store, Weird and Different, at the school in October.
9/19/24 08:24 AM
One street at a time
Mineola Ward 3 kicked off its Adopt A Street Program Saturday at 8 a.m. with great success. People from different wards participated including youth to stamp out litter one street at a time. To …
9/19/24 08:17 AM
Kiwanis Club honors citizen
Lori Puckett was named Mineola Kiwanis Club’s August Citizen of the Month for her efforts in organizing a hamburger lunch fundraiser for Mineola Caring & Sharing sponsored by City National …
9/12/24 09:49 AM
Deason Hunt to give talk
Wood County Genealogy Society will meet Monday, Sept. 16 2024 at 5 p.m. at the Quitman Public Library, 202 E. Goode St.
Deason Hunt, a life long member of the Wood County Genealogy Society, will …
9/12/24 08:30 AM
Jones home named yard of month
When Polly and Nelson Jones first met, they discovered that they shared a passion for gardening. Nelson enjoyed reading his grandparents’ organic gardening books, and Polly has been a Dirt …
9/12/24 08:20 AM
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